🚫D N I🚫

• racist/sexist/xenophobic
• ableist
• terf/truscum/transmed
• proshipper/call people antis
• pedo/MAP/Lolicon/Zoo
• NFT/Hexagon pfp
• You don’t support neopronouns
• You don't support xenogenders
• You mock people’s triggers/tags
• You are under 13
• You are rude to me or my friends
• you are already blocked by me
You will be blocked if you are any of the above

🌱B Y F🌱

• do not repost or edit my art ever without my explicit permission• I swear a lot, if you’re uncomfortable with that please don’t follow• Please don't mock me for misspelling things.• don’t reply or tag me with gore/nsfw/gross things•Don't tag me in NSFW things, Minors follow me please be considerate• I have multiple interests that fluctuate in intensity pretty often. If you don’t like that, don’t follow• If I rt/like/follow someone I shouldn’t, please send me a dm.• My account is SFW. I will never post explicit NSFW, and I tag things that could be considered NSFW.• Let me know if you ever need something tagged.This includes spoilers
as I normally do not tag them